"A swirling vortex of wind and debris pulls in warriors and punishes them with forceful gusting blows."[1]
Air Elementals are Elemental Constructs from the Dungeons and Dragons portion of the continuity, and were included in the Fury of the Primordials expansion. Wizards of the Coast did not write lore bios for their Dungeons and Dragons Heroscape units, and so we know relatively little about these characters.
- Life: 1
- Move: 5
- Range: 1
- Attack: 3
- Defense: 3
- Point Value: 30
- Swirling Vortex:
When an opponent's small or medium figure moves onto a space within 2 clear sight spaces of an Air Elemental you control, that figure must end its move there. Figures can never move through any figure affected by Swirling Vortex. - Air Mastery:
Figures that have the Flying or Stealth Flying special power subtract 1 from their defense dice when attacked by an Air Elemental. - Stealth Flying:
When counting spaces for an Air Elemental’s movement, ignore elevations. An Air Elemental may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When an Air Elemental starts to fly, if it is engaged it will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
- Death Knights of Valkrill: Unholy Bonding
As a medium hero with a relentless personality, Air Elementals may benefit from the Death Knights of Valkrill's Unholy Bonding ability. - Khosumet the Darklord: Relentless Assault
Having a relentless personality, they may benefit from Khosumet the Darklord's Relentless Assault ability. - Kurrok the Elementalist: Summon Elemental
Being a medium elemental, Air Elementals may benefit from Kurrok the Elementalist's Summon Elemental ability. - Kurrok the Elementalist: Master of the Elements
Being a medium elemental, the Air Elemental may benefit from Kurrok the Elementalist's Master of the Elements ability.
In the Dungeons and Dragons portion of the continuity, Air Elementals were summoned by Jandar to Valhalla.
Additional Info[]
The Air Elemental's miniature is the Dungeons and Dragons Medium Air Elemental, 23/60 from Dragoneye.[2]
Air Elemental has not received any official rulings or clarifications.
For further reading and strategy tips, check out the Book of Air Elemental at Heroscapers.com.
For more information about Air Elementals in Dungeons and Dragons, check out the Forgotten Realms wiki.