"The ranger Brandis Skyhunter darts around the battlefield unleashing a string of deadly arrows at his enemies."[1]
Brandis Skyhunter is a Half-Elf Ranger from the Dungeons and Dragons portion of the continuity, and was included in the Heroes of Faerun expansion. Wizards of the Coast did not write lore bios for their Dungeons and Dragons Heroscape units, and so we know relatively little about this character.
- Life: 5
- Move: 6
- Range: 5
- Attack: 3
- Defense: 3
- Point Value: 90
- Sky Watcher:
If Brandis Skyhunter is attacking a non-adjacent figure that has the Flying or Stealth Flying special power, add 2 dice to Brandis Skyhunter's attack. - Archer's Glory:
Each time Brandis Skyhunter destroys an opponent's non-adjacent Unique Hero, you may take another turn with Brandis Skyhunter.
- As a follower of Ullar, Brandis Skyhunter may benefit from Acolarh's Ullar's Amulet ability.
In the Dungeons and Dragons portion of the continuity, Brandis Skyhunter was summoned to Valhalla by the Valkyrie Ullar.
Additional Info[]
Brandis' miniature is the Dungeons and Dragons Lyrandar Skyfire Captain, 20/60 from Unhallowed.[2]
As a Half-Elf, Brandis narrowly manages to avoid synergy with the majority of elves in Classic Heroscape. He is not the only elf-adjacent figure that the Dungeons and Dragons line would do this for, however.
Brandis Skyhunter has not received any official rulings or clarifications.
For further reading and strategy tips, check out the Book of Brandis Skyhunter on Heroscapers.com. For more information on Half-Elves in Dungeons and Dragons, check out the Forgotten Realms wiki.