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"A jagged rock crushes and grinds them against its unbreakable form. This is the fate of those who stand against the power of the Elementals."[1]

Earth Elementals are Elemental Constructs from the Dungeons and Dragons portion of the continuity, and were included in the Fury of the Primordials expansion. Wizards of the Coast did not write lore bios for their Dungeons and Dragons Heroscape units, and so we know relatively little about these characters.


  • Life: 1
  • Move: 4
  • Range: 1
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 4
  • Point Value: 35


Earth Slam Special Attack: Range 1 Attack 3
Any non-flying figures adjacent to this Earth Elemental are affected by Earth Slam Special Attack. Roll attack dice once for all affected figures. Each figure rolls defense separately.

Underground Movement:
Instead of moving normally with an Earth Elemental, you may immediately place it on any empty non-water space that is within 4 spaces of that Earth Elemental and is no higher than 1 level above that Earth Elemental's height or 3 levels below that Earth Elemental's base. If an Earth Elemental is engaged when it starts its Underground Movement, it will take any leaving engagement attacks.


  • Kurrok the ElementalistSummon Elemental
    Being a medium elemental, Earth Elementals may benefit from Kurrok the Elementalist's Summon Elemental ability.
  • Kurrok the ElementalistMaster of the Elements
    Being a medium elemental, the Earth Elemental may benefit from Kurrok the Elementalist's Master of the Elements ability.


In the Dungeons and Dragons portion of the continuity, Earth Elementals were summoned by Einar to Valhalla.

Additional Info[]

The Earth Elemental's miniature is the Dungeons and Dragons Medium Earth Elemental, 06/60 from Archfiends.[2]


Earth Elemental has not received any official rulings or clarifications.


For further reading and strategy tips, check out the Book of Earth Elemental at Heroscapers.com.

9. Earth Elemental-0