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Othkurik is a Young Dragon from the Dungeons and Dragons portion of the continuity, and was included in the Battle for the Underdark Master Set. Wizards of the Coast did not write lore bios for their Dungeons and Dragons Heroscape units, and so we know relatively little about this character.


  • Life: 5
  • Move: 6
  • Range: 1
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 3
  • Point Value: 140


  • Acid Spray Special Attack:
    Range 4. Attack 4. Choose a figure to attack. You may also choose up to two other figures adjacent to the targeted figure to be affected by Acid Spray Special Attack. Roll attack dice once for all affected figures. Each figure rolls defense dice separately.
  • Lurking Ambush:
    If Othkurik starts his turn unengaged and on at least one shadow or swamp water space, for this turn add 1 to Othkurik's movement and 3 to his Attack value.
  • Flying:
    When counting spaces for Othkurik's movement, ignore elevations. Othkurik may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When Othkurik starts to fly, if he is engaged he will take any leaving engagement attacks.



In the Dungeons and Dragons portion of the continuity, Othkurik was summoned by Utgar to Valhalla. He was assigned to guard a subterranean wellspring in the Battle for the Underdark. While there, he had a prophetic dream of his own death, and when woken by intruders, demanded that they be killed to prevent it.[1]

He liked collecting treasure, and would sleep in a pile of it called Othkurik's Throne deep in Valhalla's Underdark. It was to this pile that he would add a stolen map from the Alliance featuring the locations of multiple allied bases throughout the cavern network. A fight was waged to get it back.[2]

He was confronted in the final battle of the Ancient Sanctum. He vanished in a flash of the wellspring's runes.[1]

“This is not over. The sanctuaries of the ancients spread out under the surface of this land like a web. Their knowledge and power will belong to Utgar.” - Othkurik

Othkurik would later reappear in Valhalla's Underdark to guard the River of Blood, a location where Utgar's forces had gathered. It was at these caverns that the drow priestess Estivara would go about the ritual to create the new Valkyrie General Valkrill, and although Othkurik tried to defend the caverns, he was slain by intruding adventurers.[3]

Additional Info[]

Othkurik is a repainted model of the Large Black Dragon from the Unhallowed set. [4]


  • Target Point: Where'd Everybody Go?
    It seems some of the Othkurik sculpts' heads are ducked beneath their wings. Doesn't that make targeting a problem?
    Othkurik can use his neck spikes as a secondary Target Point. (WOTC Errata)[5]


For further reading and strategy tips, check out the Book of Othkurik on Heroscapers.com.

More information about Black Dragons in Dungeons and Dragons can be found on the Forgotten Realms wiki.

6. Othkurik the Black Dragon