Bold, brash and commanding, Finn, brother of Thorgrim, is well respected as a spirited warrior and an inspiring leader. When Jandar rescued Finn from the Dreadguls and brought him to Valhalla, he gave him the indestructible Sword of Guether. Drawing power from this wondrous weapon, friendly forces fighting beside Finn increase their strength several-fold.
Finn's swordsmanship is solid, but not supreme. It is his sheer fearlessness and denial of death that binds and motivates his followers. So transcending is Finn's charisma that if he perishes, it is rumored that his spirit will live on inside of them, inspiring them to fight with even greater ferocity.[1]
- Life: 4
- Move: 5
- Range: 1
- Attack: 3
- Defense: 4
- Points: 80
- Attack Aura 1:
All friendly figures adjacent to Finn with a range of 1 add 1 die to their normal attack. - Warrior's Attack Spirit 1:
When Finn is destroyed, place this figure on any Unique Army Card. Finn's Spirit adds 1 to the normal attack number on that card.
- Is a valid target for the Knights of Weston and MacDirk Warriors' Human Champion Bonding.
- Is compatible with the 4th Massachusetts Line's Valiant Army Defense Bonus.

Finn swings at a Marro Warrior in the Animated Commercial.
On Earth, Finn and his brother Thorgrim led the Tarn Viking Warriors, and warred with a group of vikings called the Dreadguls. When the Dreadguls, led by Ulrick and his son Valguard, laid siege to Finn's castle, Thorgrim challenged Valguard to single combat, and would have lost had not a falling boulder crushed Valguard's arm. Although Valguard was summoned by the Valkyrie Einar to Valhalla, Ulrick, believing his son dead, swore to destroy the Tarn Viking Warriors for the presumed death of his son.[2]
In the North Sea in 891, Finn and his brother Thorgrim, accompanied by several other Viking warriors, arm wrestled to prove who was strongest. Finn urged Thorgrim to give in, although Thorgrim mocked him for his arrogance. They noticed too late that an incoming Dreadgul ship was launching fireballs at them, and as their men rallied to arms, they were summoned by Jandar into Valhalla.[3]
Finn and Thorgrim would both be present at the Wellspring summoning chamber soon after when Jandar summoned Sgt. Drake Alexander, and expressed by stepping forward dramatically that they would fight the forces of evil that threatened to take over Valhalla's Wellsprings. (The forces at the time included an allied Utgar and Einar, as well as unaligned Vydar).[4][3]
Finn, fighting alongside his brother Thorgrim, would later trade some blows with some Marro Warriors and Ne-Gok-Sa.[3]
Finn and Thorgrim would be present on a mission to Jutanguard with Sgt. Drake, the Airborne Elite, and a young viking warrior named Haldor. Finn and Thorgrim clashed with Ne-Gok-Sa, although Sgt. Drake was kidnapped by Mimring.[5] Early the next morning, they would work with Raelin to stage a rescue for Sgt. Drake. Although Utgar's forces retreated and Drake was recovered, young Haldor was killed by Deathwalker 9000.[6]

Finn drives off Mimring alongside Omnicron Snipers and Roman Archers.
He was present when Raelin was freed from Kee-Mo-Shi's mind shackle, driving off Utgar's forces outside the tower alongside some Omnicron Snipers and Roman Archers.[7]
He and Thorgrim would be part of a tactical operation at the Battle of Stechevan, a set of ruins where Utgar's forces were attempting to break through Jandar's defenses into Nastralund. He and Thorgrim made a charge into Utgar's camp, and then withdrew, luring Utgar's forces of Minions of Utgar, Grut Orcs and Krug into an ambush while Sgt. Drake Alexander hunted the abandoned camp for Utgar.[8]
Additional Info[]
- Does Attack Aura 1 work for Melee Combat?
Can Finn's Attack Aura affect a figure you control that has a range of more then 1 if that figure is attacking an adjacent figure, i.e. melee combat?
No, because the figure has a range of more then 1. (Hasbro FAQ)[9]
- Whose Unique Army Card for Warrior's Attack Spirit?
For Warrior’s Attack Spirit 1, it just says “place this figure on any Unique Army Card”. Can I place Finn on any unique Army Card in the game (including my opponent’s), on any friendly card, or only my own Unique Army Card?
You may place Finn on any unique Army Card that is in play. It can be a friendly Army Card, or an opponent’s Army Card. (Hasbro FAQ)[10]
- Is Warrior's Attack Spirit an Optional Ability?
Do you have to place Finn on a Unique Army Card once he is destroyed, or is Warrior’s Attack Spirit an optional ability?
It is an optional ability. You are not forced to help your opponent’s figures. (Hasbro FAQ)[9][1]
- Friendly Figures
What figures are considered friendly?
Per the Master Set rules (page 9) friendly figures are your own figures and teammate’s figures. All figures you control are always considered friendly. Whenever you are allied with a teammate at the beginning of a scenario, any figures you both control are considered friendly. A temporary alliance between opponents during a battle doesn’t change anything. Remember, alliances can always change (unless stated at the beginning of a scenario), so even when you have a temporary truce with an opponent, that opponent’s figure is never considered friendly. (Hasbro FAQ)[9]
- Placing Destroyed Finn on Cards Whose Units ARE NOT on the Board
Can I place Finn's "Warrior's Attack Spirit 1" on the Airborne Elite Army Card even though the Airborne Elite have not yet Dropped?
Yes, you can place it on any unique army card, yours or your opponents, on the battlefield, or not. This includes the Airborne Elite before they drop as well as the Rechets. HOWEVER. You do not get to use any of the special powers on that Army Card if the order marker is turned over and they are not on the board. (Hasbro FAQ)[10]
For further reading and strategy tips, check out the Book of Finn the Viking Champion on
- ↑
- ↑ Valguard
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Heroscape Animated Commercial
- ↑ Malliddon's Prophecy
- ↑ Heroscape Comic 1: The Battle of All Time
- ↑ Heroscape Comic 2: Behind Enemy Minds
- ↑ Heroscape Comic 4: The Will of Kee-Mo-Shi
- ↑ Thormun's Journal, Chapter 3
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2
- ↑ 10.0 10.1