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"Giant shards of ice twist together into the form of a living creature. Frozen spikes jut out in all directions from the Greater Ice Elemental's body, threatening to impale those who venture too close."[1]

Greater Ice Elementals are Elemental Constructs from the Dungeons and Dragons portion of the continuity, and were included in the Glaun Bog Raiders expansion. Wizards of the Coast did not write lore bios for their Dungeons and Dragons Heroscape units, and so we know relatively little about these characters.


  • Life: 4
  • Move: 5
  • Range: 1
  • Attack: 6
  • Defense: 4
  • Point Value: 130


  • Ice Cold:
    While a Greater Ice Elemental is on a water or ice space, that space and all same-level water spaces adjacent to that Greater Ice Elemental are considered normal ice spaces. Figures do not have to stop their movement on normal ice spaces.
  • Ice Spikes 15:
    If an opponent's figure moves adjacent to this Greater Ice Elemental, roll the 20-sided die. If this Greater Ice Elemental is on at least one ice or snow space, add 2 to your die roll. If you roll a 15 or higher, the opponent's figure receives 1 wound. Figures can be affected by Ice Spikes only as they move into engagement with this Greater Ice Elemental.
  • Cold Healing:
    After taking a turn with this Greater Ice Elemental, if it is on at least one snow or ice space, remove 1 wound marker from this Greater Ice Elemental's Army Card.


  • Ice Troll Berserker: Ice Troll Charge & Cold Regenerate
    With his ability to turn water into ice, the Greater Ice Elemental may aid the Ice Troll Berserker with his IceTroll Charge and Cold Regenerate powers.


In the Dungeons and Dragons portion of the continuity, Greater Ice Elementals were summoned by Jandar to Valhalla.

Additional Info[]

The Greater Ice Elemental's miniature is the Dungeons and Dragons Large Ice Elemental, 29/60 from Unhallowed.[2]


  • Ice Cold: Stopping in Water
    Does the Greater Ice Elemental have to stop on water spaces?
    No. He turns the water to ice as soon as he steps on it. (Hasbro FAQ)[3]
  • Ice Cold: Falling Damage
    Does the Greater Ice Elemental take falling damage when falling into water?
    Yes. He turns the water to ice as soon as he lands on it. (Hasbro FAQ)[3]


For further reading and strategy tips, check out the Book of Greater Ice Elemental at Heroscapers.com.

For more information about Ice Elementals in Dungeons and Dragons, check out the Forgotten Realms wiki.

11. Greater Ice Elemental