HeroScape Wiki
Master Set Box Contents

Age of Annihilation Master Set product photo.

Heroscape: Age of Annihilation is a continuation of the Heroscape brand originally announced on August 3rd, 2022, twelve years after the cancellation of the brand by Wizards of the Coast. Although a new roster of backwards-compatible figures were designed for a HasLab funding campaign with Avalon Hill, when the crowdfund failed to meet its goal, the Age of Annihilation material was given to Renegade Games Studios, who announced on June 8th, 2023 that they will continue to develop and release Age of Annihilation to game store shelves.[1][2]

Age of Annihilation is offered in both pre-painted and unpainted product configurations.[3] It opens with the Age of Annihilation Master Set and Battle for the Wellspring Battle Box, and continues the story of Heroscape with monthly scenarios and journal entries.[4] Set almost ten years after the events of Swarm of the Marro, the Age of Annihilation introduces new Valkyrie Generals Volarak and Revna, and the continuation of the war on Valhalla as the collapse of a peace summit plunges Valhalla into a new era of devastation.[5]


Heroscape AoA

Avalon Hill's Heroscape display at Gencon 2022.

Avalon Hill / Haslab[]

Heroscape: Age of Annihilation was first revealed to the public when a set of Heroscape figures and terrain were displayed by Avalon Hill at Gencon 2022, twelve years after the brand's cancellation. Only ten figures were shown, which led fans to conjecture that there was an upcoming Master Set with only ten figures.[6] It was revealed that original designer Craig Van Ness and other community members acting as a 'War Council' had been brought in by Avalon Hill staff to collaborate on the next generation of Heroscape releases.[7]

Heroscape Age of Annihilation: Vanguard Edition was originally planned as a HasLab crowdfunding campaign, with one large box containing over seventy new figures, 74 terrain tiles, and new Laur Walls and Laur Jungle Trees. This was the only deliverable promised by the Haslab, although the design team expressed interest in a release on store shelves if the crowdfund was successful[8]. However, with a sole funding tier of $250, it struggled to find its required 8,000 backers, coming in at just 4,353 backers during its crowdfunding run from October 1, 2022, to November 15, 2022.[9] Having not met its goal, the project was shelved.

Gencon Age of Annihilation 2023

Renegade's Age of Annihilation teaser at Gencon 2022, featuring Heroscape Pins.

“If we don’t get the pledges for 8000 backers, then we won’t produce this version of HeroScape... And that brings up a lot of questions internally of like, what do we wanna do with HeroScape at that point? It would not obviously be released in this format without the 8000 backers,” said Chris Nadeau, Avalon Hill's head of design and development.[10]

Renegade Game Studios[]

Heroscape's fanbase remained vocal about their interest in the failed campaign for several months afterwards, with fans complaining about the lack of crowdfunding tiers, the choice of fundraising platform, and little marketing received from Hasbro.[11] On June 8th, 2023, it was announced that Heroscape: Age of Annihilation had found another path to release through Renegade Games Studios, who would complete development of Avalon Hill's material and release it to game store shelves.[12]

2024: Heroscape: Age of Annihilation's Launch[]

On the March 1st, 2024 'Heroscape Reveals' livestream at RenegadeCon, the first new Heroscape: Age of Annihilation sets were revealed, including the Age of Annihilation Master Set, the Battle for the Wellspring entry-level set, and the Grove at Laur's Edge terrain pack. Unlike former Heroscape releases, all sets with figures will be offered in both prepainted and unpainted configurations.[13]

On the June 14th, 2024 'Heroscape Wave 2 Reveals' livestream at RenegadeCon, more expansions were unveiled, including the Revna's Rebuke: Kyrie Warriors and Iron Lich Viscerot and Necrotech Wraithriders expansions, as well as adding the Lands of Valhalla and Waters of Valhalla to the Heroscape Terrain System line. Cornelius Breech was also unveiled as the promotional figure for October 2024 National Heroscape Day events, as well as more details about the then-upcoming Gencon 2024 launch and Battle Network website.[14][15]

Sixty lucky attendees were able to view a Sneak Preview event surveying Heroscape's releases through 2025 and beyond at Gencon 2024, which includes many more terrain expansions, the release of the rest of the figures from the Vanguard Edition crowdfund, and original common squads and heroes.[16]

On the October 11th, 2024 'Heroscape Rising Tide Reveals' steam at RenegadeCon, a block of content releasing over February and April 2025 was revealed, including six new Rising Tide army expansions, the Swamps of Valhalla and the Snow Fields of Valhalla terrain sets, Thyraxis Dragoon as an unpainted organized play promotional figure and Major Q11 as a prepainted promotional figure for April preorders, and a Heroscape: Age of Annihilation paint set.[17] A Designer Roundtable was also held at this event which was hosted by Heroscape producer Lee Houff and featured Heroscape designers S. Rowan, Alex Davy, Dyllan Fernandez talking about their process, as well as more details about upcoming common figures teased in the Gencon Sneak Preview event, including Molten Crustaceans, Tanuki Tricksters and acolyte followers for Revna.[18]


[See: Heroscape Gameplay][]


Ten Years Later[]

It is ten years after the Counsel of the Archkyrie, when Jandar, Ullar, Einar, Vydar, Utgar and Thormun were declared the first Valkyrie. The newest Valkyrie General to rise, Revna, unites outcasts and resurrects the dead, and she has murdered another Valkyrie. The Valkyrie arrange to have a peace summit to bring an end to the war on Valhalla and divide territories - both on Valhalla and rights to worlds beyond.[19]

Battle for the Wellspring[]

Meanwhile, a faction of defectors from various generals have formed a band of pirates, and they are inspired by Revna's successful murder of a Valkyrie. Although their leader is unknown to most of the group and shrouded in mystery, they embark on several missions to destabilize the rule of the Valkyrie Generals by poisoning their Wellsprings with a kind of toxin that makes the Valkyrie paranoid and violent. One such mission includes sending Killian Vane III, Fia Bonny, and Bok-Bur-Na to infiltrate Aquilla's wellspring in Ticalla, where they are nearly thwarted by Ewashia, Onshu and Kita, but manage to poison the water. Aquilla is alerted to the poison and does not drink of it, and the dragon Xenithrax advises caution before she is sent to represent Aquilla at the peace summit. Meanwhile, the pirates scheme to overthrow the peace summit.[19]

The Peace Summit[]

Admiral EJ-1M oversees an attempt to infiltrate the peace summit, and his pirate forces sow discord and start fights between the armies of rival Valkyrie present. Conflict erupts at the summit, and Xenithrax is unable to prevent it from completely disrupting negotiations. The pirates successfully shift the blame to other generals for the chaos at the summit.[20] Some blame Revna, and her followers Misaerx and Raakchott are pursued into Heshva Basin, although Knight Irene and the Frostclaw Paladins are aware that her emissaries were not to blame. Knight Irene sets out to pursue the culprit she believes is responsible, chasing a mind-shackled Raelin into Upper Bleakwoode and finally having a confrontation with her at Howling Pass.[21][22] The pirates, meanwhile, take refuge in Vile Cove on the shores of Anund in the aftermath of the summit, and as the world is plunged into a new era of war, they escape again to the sea.[23]

Sonlen's Journey[]

In the aftermath of the peace summit, the elven archmage Sonlen is exiled by a maddened Ullar and begins Sonlen's Journal, a chronicle of current events on Valhalla, and despairs of the era of war that Valhalla is about to see.[24] Shiori begins to assist him in his plans.[25] Meanwhile, Jandar deploys his knights to lock down the borders of Nastralund, while leaders in Ullar's lands like Xiamara and Mielki increase Ekstrom's security.[26][27] Sonlen departs Ullar's lands and makes his way to the ancient Athenaeum of Laur in search of a cure for the Wellspring Poison; however, a band of Aquilla's wizards researching there are caught in conflict as the library becomes a battleground.[28] In the aftermath, the wizard Ewashia tests a cure for the Wellspring Poison - however, without the resources she needs, the cure fails. She sends a message to Sonlen, delivered by Onshu, asking him to rendezvous with the wizard Halushia and together seek out the necromancer Raakchott, who has been summoned by Revna. Ewashia hopes that Raakchott's study of dark magic will aid them in finding a cure.[29]

At this time the sudden arrival of the new Valkyrie General Volarak, with a fleet of industrialized Vorid inventors and aerial superiority, brings a swerve to the war whose ramifications have yet to be fully explored.[27]

Retail Releases[]

AOA Box Art

Age of Annihilation Master Set box art.

Age of Annihilation Master Set[]

The fourth Master Set overall, arriving in August 2024, just in time for Heroscape's 20th anniversary. This box set includes 20 figures, Laur Walls, terrain, and nine scenarios, as well as marking a return to Sparkly water tiles for the mainstay of the brand.

Battle for the Wellspring[]

The first Battle Box of its kind, arriving in August 2024. Battle Boxes are a new presentation for Heroscape featuring several figures, scenarios, a small assortment of terrain, at an entry-level price to provide an easy starting point for Heroscape. Battle for the Wellspring also includes two Laur Jungle Trees and a new opalescent Wellspring Water terrain tile.

The Grove at Laur's Edge[]

The first installment in the Heroscape Terrain System, arriving in August 2024. The Heroscape Terrain System releases come without any figures, so that the terrain can easily be used for other RPG's and tabletop games in addition to Heroscape. This set comes with three Laur Jungle Trees and six Laur Jungle Bushes.

Revna's Rebuke Kyrie Warriors

The Kyrie Warriors expansion box.

Revna's Rebuke[]

A set of two Army Expansions for Heroscape arriving October 2024, including Iron Lich Viscerot and the Necrotech Wraithriders, and five new Kyrie Warriors.

Lands of Valhalla[]

A terrain expansion arriving in October 2024 including large amounts of sand, rock, and grass tiles, as well as previously unseen 24-hex Sand tiles.

Waters of Valhalla[]

A terrain expansion arriving in October 2024 including a large amount of sparkly water tiles, previously unseen 3-hex water tiles, and more Wellspring Water.

Sonlen Halushia Box

The Sonlen and Halushia expansion box from Rising Tide.

Rising Tide[]

A set of six new figure expansions for Heroscape, including Knight Primus Adelbern and the Ordo Borealis, Halushia and Sonlen, and the Hellforge Mandukor in February 2025. Then, Queen Maladrix and the Festering Honor Guard, the Oathbound Legionnaires and Oathbound Phalanx, and Tuck Harrigan and the Vorid Glide Strikers in April 2025.

The Swamps of Valhalla[]

A set featuring the return of Swamp Terrain along with new Swamp Underbrush in February 2025.

The Snow Fields of Valhalla

Snow Fields of Valhalla expansion set.

The Snow Fields of Valhalla[]

A set featuring the return of Snow terrain along with new Snow-Covered Evergreen Trees in February 2025.

Heroscape: Age of Annihilation Paint Set[]

A set of themed Army Painter paints for Heroscape, releasing February 2025.

Promotional Figures[]

These promotional figures will first be available through various events and promotional offerings, and then later available for purchase at the Renegade Web Store.

Sgt. Drake Alexander (AOA)[]

Can be obtained through pre-ordering Battle for the Wellspring or the Age of Annihilation Master Set, or later through purchase on the Renegade Web Store. Additionally, was given away with any purchase at PAX Unplugged 2024.

Shiori (AOA)[]

Can be obtained through participating in Heroscape Launch Events in August 2024, either at Gencon 2024 or at your local participating game store, or later through purchase on the Renegade Web Store.

Cornelius Breech, the Derelict Prince[]

Can be obtained through participating in National Heroscape Day events in October 2024 at your local game store, or later through purchase on the Renegade Web Store.

Thyraxis Dragoon[]

Can be obtained unpainted-only through local game store events in spring 2025, or later through purchase on the Renegade Web Store.

Major Q11[]

Can be obtained prepainted by preordering April release Rising Tide expansion boxes (Maladrix and Honor Guard, Oathbound Phalanx and Legionnaires, or Tuck Harrigan and Glide Strikers). Or, later available for purchase on the Renegade Web Store.

Other Age of Annihilation Media[]

As Thormun's Journals offered lengthier fiction for the Classic era of Heroscape from 2004-2010, in addition to the lore bios for each figure and map and scenario descriptions, the monthly scenarios released by Renegade include entries from Sonlen's Journal as he takes up the pen to chronicle the events of the Age of Annihilation. Further lore for Age of Annihilation can be found in the Wellspring Vision segments.

[See Sonlen's Journal][]
[See Wellspring Visions][]

Heroscape Merchandise[]

[See Heroscape Merchandise][]

Maps & Scenarios[]

Battle for the Wellspring Battle Box[]

Vengalla Gulch[]
  • Basic Game: Surprise Arrival
  • Master Game: No Easy Way Out
Spire at Mount Tildept[]
  • Master Game: Treacherous Ascent
The Minor Spring:[]
  • Master Game: The Wellspring's Woe

Age of Annihilation Master Set[]

The Shattered Table[]
  • Basic Game: To Face Defacement
  • Basic Game: Chaos Ensues
  • Master Game: The Table Shatters
Heshva Basin[]
  • Basic Game: Defend the Damned
  • Master Game: Ghosts of the Past
The Howling Pass[]
  • Master Game: Raelin's Reckoning
  • Master Game: Louder Than Words
Vile Cove[]
  • Master Game: Dead Men Tell No Tales
  • Master Game: Annilhilation

The Grove at Laur's Edge[]

The Grove at Laur's Edge (Battlefield Only)[]

Online-Exclusive Battlefields[]

Renegade Game Studios is releasing monthly Heroscape battlefields and scenarios on Heroscape.com. These are accompanied by entries from Sonlen's Journal.

The Regenerated Riverside (September 2024)[]
  • Master Game: Claiming Wayward Souls
Uncharted Isle (October 2024)[]
  • Master Game: A Breech of Command
Vacant Post of Ostrivick (November 2024)[]
  • Master Game: Amuletic Aggression
Library of Laur (December 2024)[]
  • Master Game: Losing History
The Hidden Fount (January 2025)[]
  • Master Game: A Cure Corrupted
Frostbitten Fjord (February 2025)[]
  • Master Game: Blizzard Blitz

Unreleased Sets[]

Vanguard Edition

Vanguard Edition's contents from the HasLab campaign page.

Vanguard Edition[]

Age of Annihilation: Vanguard Edition was an all-in-one box set of unpainted Heroscape figures, walls and terrain, attainable through the HasLab crowdfund from October to November of 2022, with a single buy-in tier of $250. However, it failed to reach its 8,000 backers required to go into production, and so went 'Back in the Vault'. The unused figures, rules and terrain are seeing release through Renegade Game Studio's revival of the franchise.


Be sure to join the Renegade Games Studios Heroscape Newsletter for the latest Heroscape news. Age of Annihilation's monthly scenarios can be found here.

Consider joining Renegade's Discord Server to join the official fan community and get news first!

Since 2006, Heroscape has had a dedicated fan community on the forums of www.heroscapers.com.
