HeroScape Wiki
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This wiki is dedicated to Heroscape, the legendary tabletop wargame where you muster an army from across time and space, build your battlefield, and wage the Battle of All Time.

After fourteen years out of print, Heroscape is back! Heroscape: Age of Annihilation is now available online and in local game stores.

"The Valkyrie discovered that the images in those visions were of great heroes, warriors and creatures from other worlds, other eras. They devised ways to beckon them to Valhalla, and gathered them into powerful armies to fight for their side... Armies marched, fought, claimed victory or were vanquished, all for the wellsprings. Alas, Valhalla, my once-serene homeland, has now become a war-torn and desolate ruin." - Thormun's Journal #1

449 articles since February 2008




Age of Annihilation Master Set

The Heroscape: Age of Annihilation Master Set was released in August 2024. Available in both a standard unpainted and Premium Painted edition, it was designed as an introductory 2-player offering for Heroscape and could be expanded with the addition of the Battle for the Wellspring Battle Box. It included twenty figures, nine scena(...more)
Master Set Box Contents

Rising Tide

Rising Tide is an upcoming Heroscape arc releasing from February to April 2025. It includes six expansions for Heroscape: Knight Primus Adelbern & the Ordo Borealis, Sonlen & Halushia, Scion of the Wild, Hellforge Mandukor, Queen Maladrix & the Festering Honor Guard, Oathbound Phalanx & Oathbound Legionnaires, and Wing Commander Tuck Harrigan & Vorid Glide Strikers. It coincides with the Swamps of Valhalla and Snow Fields of Valhalla terrain expan(...more)
Adelbern Ordo Box
Heroscape 2004-2009
Heroscape master rise of the valkyrie ll
Heroscape: Age of Annihilation 2024-Present Master Set AOA Box Cover
Marvel (Subtheme) 2007
Dungeons and Dragons (Subtheme) 2010


Current Events

Heroscape: Age of Annihilation Wave 2 releases on Renegade's web store and local game store shelves on October 21st. Preorders for Heroscape: Age of Annihilation: Rising Tide are now available!

Heroscape: Age of Annihilation's next story arc, Rising Tide, was revealed in RenegadeCon Livestreams on October 11th. You can watch the Rising Tide Reveals Stream here!

The Heroscape Battle Network is now in open beta! List your local Heroscape events or see which game stores are running local organized play here.


Q: Is all of the Haslab Age of Annihilation Vanguard Edition content going to be released?

A: "People have asked if all the content that was up on the Haslab campaign will be used, and the answer is yes, including all the stretch goals and things like that, you’re going to get to see all that content at some time. Doesn’t mean you’re going to get it all on day one, but you’re going to get it pretty close to the first year or so." - Scott Gaeta, president of Renegade, on the Meet the Heroscape Team Stream.

Q: Will new Age of Annihilation Heroscape be balanced and cross-compatible with Classic Heroscape?

A: "The War Council tested these extensively during original development, against original Heroscape content. Fans of previous releases are set. Nothing has changed from the designs released previously. And once again, these heroes are compatible with all previous and future Heroscape releases." - Heroscape producer Lee Houff, on the Heroscape Reveals Stream.

Connect with the Community

For updates, follow Renegade's Heroscape Newsletter.

Browse and run local Heroscape events on the Heroscape Battle Network.

Join Heroscape fans in the Renegade Discord Server here.

Join Heroscape fans in the Heroscapers.com Discord Server here.

Visit the Heroscapers.com fan forums here.

Valkyrie Generals
Terrain Rules
Lava field
Glyph Rules
Battlefields & Scenarios
370087695 662464912317747 136382827098590643 n
Map of Valhalla
Valhalla Map



The Heroscape Battle Network

Battle Network
The Heroscape Battle Network is an official website you can use to browse, list, and run Heroscape events. It is used to register players for all official Renegade Game Studios events. Tournaments, game days, and other events hosted by local game stores are visible in the Events page. Find events near you, and if no events are available, talk to your local game store about organizing them!

Promotional Figures

All promotional figures released by Renegade Game Studios will later be available for individual retail purchase several months after their promotional period is over. A full list of all promotional figures available and how to get them can be found on the right column.

Upcoming Official Organized Play Events

The 2025 inaugural Heroscape World Championship will take place at Gencon 2025. Details on how to qualify for it and other official events coming soon.

Monthly Scenarios

Claiming Wayward Souls
Heroscape's story continues through new monthly scenarios released on Renegade's website.

Monthly Scenario #1: Claiming Wayward Souls at The Regenerated Riverside

Sgt. Drake paint master
Sgt. Drake Alexander
(Age of Annihilation):
Summer 2024 Preorders.
Now available for purchase.
Shiori Mini
(Age of Annihilation):
Launch Day Celebration local game store events, Fall 2024.
Cornelius Mini
Cornelius Breech,
the Derelict Prince:
National Heroscape Day Local game store events, Fall 2024.
Thyraxis Dragoon paint master
Thyraxis Dragoon:
Local game store events, Spring 2025.
Available unpainted only.
Major Q11 Paint Master
Major Q11:
Preorders of Queen Maladrix & Festering Honor Guard, Oathbound Legionnaires & Oathbound Phalanx, or Tuck Harrigan & Vorid Glide Strikers.

Want to Help?

It takes a community to run a wiki, and we're always happy for new hands on deck! If you'd like to help out, take a moment to review these guidelines.

  • Every wiki has a list of articles that need help called "Stubs". These are a great place to start!
  • Before making a page, check if there is an existing one so as to avoid doubles.
  • Categorize what you write or edit. It makes it easier to access and helps complete the wiki.
  • When creating pages for characters, battlefields, or sets, use a similar existing page as a template.
  • The wiki aims to be an impartial source of information about all things related to Heroscape and its official releases. In the spirit of these, please keep personal opinion or interpretation to a minimum in your edits.
  • Please use references where possible!