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The Incredible Hulk is a human creature in the Marvel: The Conflict Begins Game Set, in the Marvel Heroscape Subtheme, and represents the character Incredible Hulk from Marvel Comics. The Marvel figures did not receive lore bios within the set or on Heroscape.com.


  • Life: 8
  • Move: 5
  • Range: 1
  • Attack: 6
  • Defense: 6
  • Points: 370


  • Rage Smash 5:
    When Incredible Hulk attacks using a normal attack, he receives one extra attack die for each Wound Marker he has, up to a maximum of 5 extra attack dice for Rage Smash.
  • Super Leap:
    Instead of his normal move, Incredible Hulk may Super Leap. Super Leap has a move of 10. When counting spaces for Hulk’s Super Leap movement, ignore elevations. Hulk may leap over water without stopping, leap over figures without becoming engaged, and leap over obstacles such as ruins. Hulk may not leap more than 50 levels up or down in a single leap. If Hulk is engaged when he starts to leap, he will take any leaving engagement attacks. Hulk rolls 3 less attack dice on any turn that he chooses to Super Leap.
  • Stomp Special Attack: Range 1. Attack 3.
    Any figure adjacent to Incredible Hulk is affected by the Stomp Special Attack. Roll 3 attack dice once for all affected figures. Each figure rolls defense separately. Hulk cannot attack using his Stomp Special Attack on the same turn he uses Super Leap.
  • (Super Strength):
    Hulk is not affected by normal/major falls and negates automatic shields given to destructible objects. He is still affected by extreme falls.


The Incredible Hulk does not currently have any direct synergies.


The Incredible Hulk was likely present at Tribeca Labs during the events of Mayhem in Manhattan, where many heroes and villains made an appearance. He might have been one of the Avengers that Spider-Man was scheduled to meet at Tribeca Labs.[1]

Dr. Bruce Banner, the Hulk's alter ego, had been trying to find a cure to his boundless rage for years. Tony Stark, of Stark Enterprises, volunteered Genotech, one of his many science facilities, to help Dr. Banner get rid of his angry counterpart. It didn't work, and the Hulk embarked on a rampage.[2]

Additional Info[]

Unlike the Dungeons and Dragons subtheme, the Marvel crossover was not canonical, and the goal with compatibility with the rest of the Heroscape line was 'balanced but not recommended'.[3]


The Incredible Hulk has not received any official rulings or clarifications.


For further reading and strategy tips, check out the Book of Incredible Hulk on Heroscapers.com.

For more information about the Incredible Hulk in Marvel Comics, check out his wiki page here.

2 Incredible Hulk
