A commander of the IX Legion, Marcus Decimus Gallus led his troops through a thick mist while patrolling northern Britain, and entered the war-engulfed world of Valhalla. Marcus Decimus is a born leader who can inspire any soldier to move faster and attack more forcefully, regardless of their species or homeland.[1]
- Life: 6
- Move: 5
- Range: 1
- Attack: 3
- Defense: 3
- Point Value: 100
- Soldier Leadership:
All Soldiers you control move one additional space. - Soldier Attack Enhancement:
All friendly Soldiers adjacent to Marcus Decimus Gallus receive an additional attack die.
- Roman Legionnaires: Warlord Bonding:
As a Warlord, Marcus Decimus Gallus may benefit from the Roman Legionnaires’ Warlord Bonding ability. - Sacred Band: Einar Warlord Bonding:
As a Warlord alligned with Einar, Marcus Decimus Gallus may benefit from the Sacred Band’s Einar Warlord Bonding ability. - Soldier Leadership / Soldier Attack Enhancement:
Soldier Units:
4th Massachusetts Line
10th Regiment of Foot
Airborne Elite
Einar Imperium
Roman Legionnaires
Sacred Band
Sgt. Drake Alexander (both versions)
Warforged Soldiers - Sacred Band: Disciplined Army Defense Bonus
Having a Disciplined personality, Marcus Decimus Gallus may aid the Sacred Band with their Disciplined Army Defense Bonus.
Marcus Decimus Gallus travelled with the IXth Roman Legion, alongside the Roman Legionnaires and Roman Archers, and disappeared into the mists on Earth as they were summoned to Valhalla by the Valkyrie Einar.
When Thormun and his convoy came to invite Einar to join the Alliance against Utgar, they would see many of Einar's forces mustering in Lindesfarme on the return leg of their voyage. Although they were humans from various cultures and times, they marched in perfect synchronicity:[2]
"Some wear woven hats coming up to a point on the tops of their heads and carry spears or rifles like those carried by Jandar’s soldiers of the 4th Massachusetts. Then there are others that look to be straight out of the time and culture of Jandar’s blue-coated allies, only these wear coats of red. Some of the warriors carry tall, brightly painted, shields and others smaller round shields. Some wear heavy armor and helmets while others are armored only in cloth. Some carry swords and others bows. For all their differences they are the same. All marching their steady march, all wearing their emotionless faces, all focused, all disciplined." - Thormun
Additional Info[]
The IXth Roman Legion disappeared without a trace in real life, not just in Heroscape.[3]
Marcus Decimus Gallus has not received any official rulings or clarifications.
For further reading and strategy tips, check out the Book of Marcus Decimus Gallus on Heroscapers.com.