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Who would suspect that a creature of his size could ambush even the most wary of warriors? Yet Mimring is notorious for such attacks. This fire-breathing behemoth can swoop down undetected and, within seconds, incinerate an enemy line up to 8 warriors deep. In this war of horrific battlefield events, Mimring's Fire Line Attack is absolutely the most terrifying of all.

Mimring is no slack-jawed, mindless minion; he has a keen intelligence, and can communicate with surprising eloquence when it serves him. But these powers are squandered on a life devoted solely to stalking, burning and brutalizing. In Mimring, there is a chilling lack of morality and remorse. His only allegiance is to Utgar, his only goal to forge an ever-widening swath of destruction.[1]


  • Life: 5
  • Move: 6
  • Range: 1
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 3
  • Points: 150


  • Fire Line Special Attack: Range Special. Attack 4.
    Choose 8 spaces in a straight line from Mimring. All figures on those spaces who are in line of sight are affected by Mimring's Fire Line Special Attack. Roll 4 attack dice once for all affected figures. Affected figures roll defense dice separately.
  • Flying:
    When counting spaces for Mimring's movement, ignore elevations. Mimring may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When Mimring starts to fly, if he is engaged he will take any leaving engagement attacks.



Mimring Epic

Mimring arrives in Valhalla accompanied by an epic choir in the Heroscape Mini-Movie.

Utgar summoned Mimring to Valhalla, and commanded him not to fail. Mimring did not think he would.[2][3]

"You can rely on Mimring." - Mimring

Mimring stood on a ledge and breathed fire at Sgt. Drake and company in the Heroscape Animated Commercial.[4] He would sometimes fly overhead while Utgar's hordes of Blade Gruts plunged into battle, spurred on by the flagbearer Ornak.[5] Mimring was once assigned to hold Migol's Tomb in Laur while a map of several wellspring locations was hidden in the rock of Barrenspur.[6]

Mimring grabs Drake.

Mimring catches Drake by surprise.

Later, he would ambush Sgt. Drake, Finn, Thorgrim, the Airborne Elite, and young Haldor the viking warrior while they were on a covert mission in Jutanguard. While Ne-Gok-Sa distracted the vikings on the ground, Mimring was briefly downed by Sgt. Drake, who fired Bleakwoode's Grapple Gun through Mimring's wing. However, Mimring got the better of him, snatching Sgt. Drake and carrying him off to their nearby cavern base.[7][8]

A mysterious recruit rides on Mimring.

A mind-shackled Raelin and Mimring ride together in Heroscape Comic 3.

Mimring would assist Taelord in defeating Sgt. Drake and Raelin, and bringing Raelin back to an Utgar fortress where she was mind-shackled by Kee-Mo-Shi. After this, the mind-shackled Raelin was given new armor and masqueraded as Mimring's new rider during a clash with Drake, Johnny 'Shotgun' Sullivan, and her other would-be rescuers.[9] Mimring was seen retreating from an Utgar tower later when Kee-Mo-Shi's plans crumbled and Raelin was freed.[10]

After the fall of Concan's Castle and the forming of the Alliance, Mimring laid in wait for Sgt. Drake to arrive to try and reclaim it. He sparred with Drake briefly, and then stood on a nearby Glyph of Astrid, stating that he was going to let Drake live long enough to hear the dying screams of his friends Raelin and Major Q10, who were distracting the tides of Marro Drones and Marro Stingers outside the castle. Sgt. Drake used his grapple line to pull a pillar down onto Mimring's head, battering him, and the bruised dragon flew away.[3]

Additional Info[]

With flying and a whopping eight-range Fire Line, Mimring dominated early Rise of the Valkyrie games, particularly those with elevation such as Migol's Tomb. It is fitting, then, that Mimring's Fortress is a scenario in that battlefield.

His voice actor in the Heroscape Mini-Movie is voice acting legend Steve Blum.


  • Hit Zones
    Is Mimring's tail a hit zone?
    Yes. (Hasbro FAQ)[1]
  • Which 8 Spaces?
    Is any figure within any eight spaced line from him attacked at the same time, or any figure within one eight spaced line?
    All figures within one eight spaced straight line are hit, as long as you have line of sight. You must decide which direction he will fire. See page 11 of the Master Game guide for an illustration of this attack. (Hasbro FAQ)[1]
  • Rolling Defense against Line of Fire
    Mimring uses his Fire Line Special Attack into a crowd. Who gets hit first?
    Mimring causes an exception to the "attacker decides" rule. The breath moves from the figure out - so closest to furthest is the order of hit. (Hasbro FAQ)[1]


For further reading and strategy tips, check out the Book of Mimring on Heroscapers.com.

1 Mimring
