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A beautiful pink cherry blossom floats gracefully to the ground and lands at the feet of a noble daimyo lord. He stands tall, bearing the majestic armor of his forefathers. His face is stoic, nostrils flaring, as he draws deeply of the crisp spring air. Pulling his mask down over his face, Kato Katsuro extends a long arm, and points into the west.

A fleet of his loyal samurai archers march forward, passing him by and forming a line on the hillside. In unison they halt, draw their arrows, and ready their bows.

A moment of silence passes, then a faint but growing sound is heard. The Tagawa remain steadfast, bowstrings taught. Over the horizon breaks a screaming war band, their weapons drawn and bloodlust blazing in their eyes.

Still the Tagawa Archers stand motionless. Their enemies approach closer still before Kato Katsuro drops his arm and a hailstorm of arrows are rained down upon his enemies.[1]


  • Life: 1
  • Move: 5
  • Range: 6
  • Attack: 2
  • Defense: 3
  • Points: 65
  • Figures Per Squad: 3


Counter Strike:
When rolling defense dice against a normal attack from an adjacent attacking figure, all excess shields count as unblockable hits on the attacking figure. This power does not work against other Samurai.


  • Hatamoto Taro: Heroic Defense Aura
    As Samurai, Tagawa Samurai Archers may benefit from Hatamoto Taro’s Heroic Defense Aura ability.
  • Kato Katsuro: Kato Katsuro's Command
    As a Samurai Squad, the Tagawa Samurai Archers may benifit from Kato Katsuro's Command ability.
  • Sacred Band: Disciplined Army Defense Bonus
    Having a "Disciplined" personality, Tagawa Samurai Archers are compatible with the Sacred Band's Disciplined Army Defense Bonus ability.


The Tagawa Samurai Archers were at some point summoned from Earth's feudal Japan, where they served under Kato Katsuro, to the world of Valhalla by Einar.

When Thormun and his convoy came to invite Einar to join the Alliance against Utgar, they would see many of Einar's forces mustering in Lindesfarme on the return leg of their voyage. Although they were humans from various cultures and times, they marched in perfect synchronicity:[2]

"Some wear woven hats coming up to a point on the tops of their heads and carry spears or rifles like those carried by Jandar’s soldiers of the 4th Massachusetts. Then there are others that look to be straight out of the time and culture of Jandar’s blue-coated allies, only these wear coats of red. Some of the warriors carry tall, brightly painted, shields and others smaller round shields. Some wear heavy armor and helmets while others are armored only in cloth. Some carry swords and others bows. For all their differences they are the same. All marching their steady march, all wearing their emotionless faces, all focused, all disciplined." - Thormun

Additional Info[]


  • COUNTERSTRIKE : Who is affected by counterstrike
    Does Counter Strike work against other characters that have Counter Strike?
    Yes, the only time the Tagawa Archers’ Counter Strike is negated is against other Samurai. All other figures that have counterstrike can still be affected by it unless otherwise stated on their card. (Hasbro FAQ)[3]


For further reading and strategy tips, check out the Book of Tagawa Samurai Archers on Heroscapers.com.

11 12 13 Tagawa Samurai Archers
